(Click to go to Hans Christian Andersen's original prose)
A little girl,
Was cold as could be;
For it was winter then,
Seated on the street,
Barefooted was she;
Matchboxes in apron,
And nothing to eat. -8
So cold was she,
Feet purple and blue;
To gain a farthing,
Was all she knew. -12
But no one came,
No one stopped;
Not a single matchbox,
That day was bought. -16
How weary she felt,
But she had no money;

Till she made any. -20
The little girl's hands,
Were numb with cold;
She thought of the matches,
That were to be sold. -24
She decided to light one,
Warmth she did need;
T'was struck on the wall,
And how warm she did feel. -28
That there was more;
Of burnished brass,
A very warm stove. -32
She put out her hands,
That they may be warmed;
But before she knew it,
The stove was gone. -36
So she struck another,
Against the wall;
The previous flame,
Seemed so small. -40
How candles did gleam;
There was roast goose,
Cake and ice-cream. -44
The roast goose got up,
Lept toward her it seemed;
Then the image faded,
As it would in a dream. -48
So she lit another,
And what did she see?!
She was under the most,
Magnificent Christmas tree. -52
Pretty lights shone,
On the branches of green;
As in the shop windows,
She had before seen. -56
She stretched to feel,
But the match went out;
The Christmas lights rose,
Into the sky above. -60
And now she saw the lights,
As the stars in heaven;
One fell and left behind,
A trail of fire therein. -64
"Someone is just dead!"
The girl did discern.
This from her grandmother,
She did learn. -68
Her grandmother told her,
That when a star falls;
It is to God,
That a soul is called. -72
Only her grandmother,
Had ever truly loved her.
But she was no more,
So she had no other. -76
Another match was lit,
And in the light's lustre;
Stood no other than,
The girl's grandmother. -80

"Grandmother!", cried she,
"Oh, take me with you!"
What if she vanished too?
And that just wouldn't do. -84
She lit another match,
And another and another;
So she wouldn't lose sight,
Of her dear old grandmother. -88
But the grandmother stayed,
So beautiful and tall;
Pain and suffering,
The girl had forgotten all. -92
In grandmother's arms,
The little girl lay;
And there she was,
To forever stay. -96
And when dawn arrived,
The people had said,
"She wanted to warm herself,
But now she is dead." -100
The matches remained
With her on the ground;
Happiness and joy,
In the new year she found. -104
hey this is from a children's book, isn't it? really nice...
ReplyDeleteThe original prose is written by H.C.Anderson
ReplyDeleteThe title is a link to the original prose. Click on it and you'll be directed to that page.
I converted it into poetry.
He wrote really meaningful tales.