My pewter soldier,
Stands by my bed;
Remains perfectly still,
Just above my head. -4
He watches my window,
He watches all night;
Never once taking me
Out of his sight. -8
His eyes are bright;
Wide and alert.
His post as my watcher;
They do assert. -12
He's ever too quiet,
The poor old thing;
I really do wish,
He'd talk and sing. -16
So still he remains,
By night, by day.
Nothing to do;
Nothing to say. -20
If only he'd tell,
His learnings of life;
His stories of love,
Of war and strife. -24
If only he'd choose,
To have himself heard;
I'd listen intently,
To his every word. -28
But decided is he;
So, silent he'll be.
My pewter soldier,
Watching over me. -32
nice very good! after ages have i read good poetry and am not calling it nice coz i am obligated :)